Call us now!
(514) 254-6021

Looking for insurance, but no company accepts insusrance?

Call us. We will find a solution tailored to your situation and help you return to a more standard insurer as soon as possible.

Indeed, we treat many cases insurance cancelled or simply refused. If this is your case, do not hesitate to contact us now.

Whatever the reasons, we treat all cases:

assurance cas difficile

You have questions?

We can contact you quickly.

    Licence suspended

    Licence suspended

    Cancellation for non-payment

    Cancellation for non-payment

    Termination of your old insurance

    Termination of your old insurance

    Criminal record

    Criminal record

    Young driver

    Young driver

    Too many complaints

    Too many complaints

    You have never been insured

    You have never been insured



    Vacant building

    Vacant building

    Building under construction

    Building under construction

    Non-compliance with recommendations

    Non-compliance with recommendations

    High value building

    High value building

    Or any other reason

    Or any other reason